Cycle touring rule 1. Don’t forget to stop and look.

Photo by Kevin Mayne

Another moment of poetry and wonder, delivered by the magical world of cycling.

Neerijse, Flemish Brabant, seen from the Round Flanders Cycle Route yesterday.

This isn’t just special because of the view. It is special because someone knew that this lovely section of track was there and included it in the cycle route. Between the small towns of Huldenburg and Neerijse a section of LF6 takes a diversion away from the seemingly straightforward route in the valley that connects the two towns and encourages you to climb up to the ridge above.

That might make a few people grumble, and even more so because a very short section is just loose gravel surface and not tarmac.

Should that be the case I would put it gently to those grumblers “You have forgotten why we do this”.

The whole section is beautiful with great views. This spot in particular was utterly silent apart from the birdsong and the occasional scrunch of tyres on gravel as riders drifted by. Not all of them paused to look, but I couldn’t help it.

Thank you to the cycling friend that selected this route section. You have shared a gift.

3 thoughts on “Cycle touring rule 1. Don’t forget to stop and look.

  1. I couldn’t agree more Kevin. Cycling is one of the rare complete sensory activities. Seeing those vistas, hearing the birds and kids, feeling the cobblestones, smelling the grass, stopping to taste the raspberries, apples or blackberries growing beside the road. Yes do stop more often.


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